Who's watching the nickel price?
The current nickel price appears to be falling fast. From a recent high of $29,400 per tonne in February 2011, the LME nickel price has tumbled to just $21,650 / tonne today, with some analysts worried that nickel may soon breach the $20,000/t level. Expanding supply of the metal seems to be the cause of these price movements – especially from
One wonders of course whether stainless steel prices will be following suit. Meanwhile for further comment, see http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a8ee7776-9846-11e0-ae45-00144feab49a.html#axzz1PSHz1uyD.
Labels: China, laterite ore, LME nickel price, low grade pig iron, nickel pigs, price, price of nickel, stainless steel prices