Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Capital investment costs of ironmaking equipment - sinter plant

If you are interested in iron and steelmaking capital investment costs, the MCI steel capex report may be of interest.

For most key bits of iron and steelmaking plant [as well as for pellets, coal washing, waste water treatment, power generation etc] , the report describes recent investments around the globe - as well as typical capacities and current capital investment costs.

So if you are interested in the cost today of a new sinter plant for ironmaking [for example], the chart below will show you exactly how much you might pay ..

For more information about the report, including an executive summary, a contents list, and a list of exhibits, please visit http://www.steelonthenet.com/capex


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Monday, October 25, 2010

Iron and steel plant and equipment costs

MCI have just published a new report on typical iron and steel industry plant and equipment costs. The report covers average sizes [in tonnes of annual capacity] and $ costs for a range of plant. This includes sinter, coke, DRI, blast furnaces, BOF plants, EAFs, induction furnaces, slab casting, billet and bloom casting, heavy plate, hot rolled coil, cold rolled coil, hot dip galvanised sheet, tin plate, organic coated sheet, heavy sections, steel bar, wire rod, drawn wire, welded tube, seamless tube, pellets, washed coal, lime, PCI, air separation, power plant etc.

Want to know the cost today of a DRI plant? The chart below will tell you.
The full report has another 30 charts like this ...

dri capex costs

For further info, please visit http://www.steelonthenet.com/capex or call +44 775 149 0885.


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time for the strategy consultants?

In a remarkably frank and open article, the FT today reports JSW [India’s third-biggest private sector steelmaker] as acknowledging that their acquisition of a Texas-based pipemaker in 2007 was a mistake.

According to the FT, Mr Sajjan Jindal (JSW’s Managing Director) now considers that JSW have a competitive advantage in India and a competitive disadvantage in the US.

It is not often that we see such honesty reported in the international steel press. Surely it is time however for JSW to now bring in the strategy consultants?

For original FT report, visit http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d588cd92-d553-11df-8e86-00144feabdc0.html.


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